Triple update for the New Year, and hopefully a harbinger of more content for the year to come!
Merry Christmas to anyone who’s reading this. I hope you’re safe, happy, fed, and with those who care about you.
Not much to say, other than this one went together a lot better than the last page.
Also, I am really starting to like the new format.
This is going to sound a little weird, but I kind of like it when a chapter ends. There’s a sense of completion and looking forward to the next chapter.
Which brings me to the second part of the title, future changes. One is a somewhat major change, the other is a minor one.
The major change is going to be format. For the longest time, I’ve drawn the pages at 9″x12″ (228.6 x 304.8mm). Starting next chapter, I’m switching to 7.5″ x 9.375″ (190.5 x 238mm) to make it more manga-like. Hopefully, the smaller size will make it easier for me to get the pages done faster.
The minor change is posting related. Rather than posting at 12:00 Central, I’ll be scheduling post’s for midnight.
Here’s the (somewhat) yearly Halloween pic, this year featuring Peach the Zombie, Barking Mad Mike’s master bartender and resident weirdness magnet.
In case you’re wondering, what happened was that a local lowlife decided that ambushing the cute little shortstack walking in the alley behind the bar was a good idea. That was not a good idea.
Thankfully, after working in a werewolf bar for over thirty years, Peach has learned to keep a spare change of clothes in her locker for just such an occasion. Also, this being a werewolf bar, someone coming in covered in blood is a fairly routine occurrence, especially for employees. This is why Mike had a shower installed for employee use in the back and they keep a supply of emergency t-shirts on hand.