This page is a little reminder that while Alicia and Hannah may look human, they are most certainly not human. The discussion of the lethality of fights is not a normal part of conversations, after all, nor is the casual acceptance.
Okay, I’ll admit it. It’s a pretty simple layout for the page, just the two of them talking, no backgrounds. But I like it. I like how it came out. I also like the interplay between Alicia and Hannah.
Coming on a little strong there, Alicia….
Woulda gotten this one out earlier, but life intervened, as it often does. Anyways, new character, Stephanie. She’s one of the staff of Barking Mad Mike’s.
Noteable points about her:
-she joined in ’96.
-she speaks without moving her mouth.
-when she does open her mouth, there is nothing there expect a black void. No teeth, no tongue, nothing.
-nobody knows what the hell she is. The only people who do know are Stephanie herself, Mike, and Peach, and they’re not saying anything.
-the bar patrons say she smells of stone and metal.
-her movements are “off”, like the characters in a CG cut scene from a mid-Nineties videogame.
-Despite how unnerving and odd her mannerism’s can be, she is well liked by the patrons because of her very cheerful demeanor and sweet nature.
-does not eat, drink, sleep, or rest.
-lives in a small closet on the second story of the bar that Mike lets her have free of charge.
-is surprisingly good at gardening and has a herb and tomato garden in the adjacent lot that Mike owns. Also has a prize bonsai tree.
-is confused by the existence of Poughkeepsie, NY.
Also, Peach has discovered why you shouldn’t wave flyswatters at Hornets, especially if they have Hellfires.
Finally got this one cranked out. I would have gotten it up earlier but sleep issues and work intervened.
By now the only person not aware of what happened in Charleston is a hermit living up on top of a mountain on the ass end of the world, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on the issue:
There are no good guys in this one. You’ve got white supremacists on one, Commies on the other. The only difference between the two is that the Commies have a higher body count, much better PR, and the unofficial but very tacit approval of the Democratic Party.
What I find the most disgusting is the fact that there a lot of people who should know better, especially artists, who are cheering on the Antifa and circulating Nazi-punching memes.
Guys, what you’re advocating is Fascism, and the people you’re cheering on will turn on you the instant you do something that they don’t approve of.